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A Letter to Our Customers

To our hard-working, determined and resilient customers:

We want you to know that during these incredibly challenging times we are standing with you as your partner. Our livelihood has always been deeply intertwined with yours and we remain fully committed to our partnership.

As of this writing, many of you are having to pivot and make rapid decisions about how to manage through a fast-evolving crisis. You may be faced with rethinking plans, finding new ways to serve patients or customers, trying to maintain workers’ wages through hardship and uncertainty—or possibly all these things.  You are also likely determining how to best take care of family and loved ones.  These are serious times for everyone, and purposeful leadership has never been more important. No matter the size of your organization, the type of customer you serve, or the make-up of your social network, the impact on your business and those around you may be profound amid this unprecedented economic and social disruption. Our team is no different. Our hearts are with you.

At the same time, we have never been more proud. Throughout the many planning meetings and critical discussions that have taken place over recent weeks, the determination and can-do spirit shown by you, our customers and friends, has been encouraging. We are hearing stories from the leaders we serve which clearly demonstrate the creativity and care that exemplifies leaders worth following.

Data shows it takes about six weeks to begin forming new habits. In this time of unparalleled change there will likely be many opportunities for your personal and organizational values to shine, be tested—and in some cases, re-evaluated and refined. New ways of working and leading will emerge, and yes, new habits may be formed. Opportunity is at hand to replace old habits with new, more vitalizing choices for you and your team. The gift to be found amidst this challenge is your chance to be deliberate and choice-full. Sometimes disruption offers a unique path to transformation, providing a way to reject status quo, trust intuition and re-establish values. The decisions to be made will be many, and the choices ahead may well offer you unanticipated ways to influence and strengthen the entire culture of your organization. 

We want to help you with this journey in any way possible.  We will be sharing some very specific opportunities in the coming days to engage with our coaches and facilitators to help you as you sort through the complexities of the season. In the meantime, please take inspiration from the Milestone Leadership blog. We will be adding new content relating to the changed circumstances we are all experiencing now, and our past blog posts offer helpful reminders to reinforce what you have already learned through working with our team in the past. We are proud to stand with you in whatever way you need us.

Wishing you health in body, mind and soul
Your Milestone Friends and Partners

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