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One-on-one executive coaching sessions are designed to provide a sounding board for decision-making, offer assistance in developing succession plans, and to prepare for future executive roles. Milestone Leadership coaches use assessment instruments, tailored for senior leaders, to identify specific development needs.

Participants Will:

  • Create an executive-focused Individual Development Plan
  • Receive advice and perspective from experienced coaches who have excelled in leadership roles
  • Grow personal strengths and improve relevant development needs
  • Learn how to lead with personal and organizational values
Begin at $875 per session


  1. Build partner-based relationship, grow trust, establish rules of engagement and align values
  2. Establish strong awareness through individual assessment; create a vision and identify gaps
  3. Agree on priorities, then leverage the individual’s strengths with the coach’s support to develop goals through an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  4. Support growth by challenging and regularly reassessing plan
  5. Deliver results with the outcome of accelerated growth in professional and personal development
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