What is it?
Clarity of Mission is an essential foundation for effective leadership, along with clearly articulated Values.
Milestone Leadership’s Values-based Strategic Planning Process begins with the process of creating these two foundational elements. Once those are in place, a Vision to propel the organization forward over the next three to five years is created.

The Vision
That Vision then drives the creation of Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures that will guide the organization’s efforts over the next 12-18 months. Execution of action plans for each strategy keeps the organization pushing forward toward their Vision.
This day-and-a-half session is designed to focus a senior team around the foundation of an organization. Facilitated workout results in complete statements of the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Team initiatives will accelerate and deepen the alignment of the team around these shared commitments.
- Discover current perceptions of the organization and explore industry best practices
- Create/validate mission, vision and values
- Develop a plan to communicate the mission, vision and values to the organization and its constituents
Over the course of a day-and-a-half, this session provides opportunity for senior leaders to establish how they will accomplish their three to five year vision through a decision-making process intended to focus the team’s energy. The guided workout narrows the focus of the work to be completed and keeps the group on track.
- Understand the current state through a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
- Identify strategic priorities and how those will be measured through Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures
- Develop a plan to communicate the Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures to the organization and its constituents
Level three of Strategic Planning includes a one-day action planning day, plus follow-up meetings and an executive review. This action is vitally important to the overall success of the strategic planning process.
- Create action plans and identify owners based upon strategic priorities
- Engage in a process of accountability and executive review
- Receive a complete strategic planning report
“In short, this experience was incredible—a true game changer. Literally within 12 hours we were working, thinking, collaborating, speaking to each other, assuming responsibility like I’ve not seen before (and not exaggerating).
We walked away with some solid to-dos around defining values, current project work that needs to be re-evaluated if it fits in our scope now, a new language, a new level of commitment to each other…and a Board that has now fully assumed responsibility for the organization.
I can’t thank you enough…I learned so much, and the team is in a different place now. Now the work begins, but the foundation is stronger than ever.”
Mike Rusch—Help One Now, Board Chairman